Cherubs by Auguste Rodin Chimei Museum in Taiwan The Chimei Museum is a private museum founded in 1992 by Shi Wen-Long, founder of the Chi Mei Rende District, [...]
General Hoche Lazare Hoche Restoring a plaster sculpture of General Louis Lazare Hoche, monumental size (2m80), conducted by Jules Dalou and coming from the Pantheon, she was exposed [...]
Chimei Museum Chimei Museum ornements in Taiwan The Chimei Museum is a private museum founded in 1992 by Shi Wen-Long, founder of the Chi Mei Rende District, Tainan, [...]
Les Renommées Decoration of the Chimei Museum in Taiwan The Chimei Museum is a private museum founded in 1992 by Shi Wen-Long, founder of the Chi Mei Rende [...]